Livro Total English - Iniciante - Unidade 2 - Lição 2
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 2 - Lição 2 do livro Total English Starter, como "pincel", "chave", "guarda-chuva", etc.
a set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that we can turn them and read them

livro, publicação

an object that has hair or thin pieces of plastic or wood attached to a handle that we use for making our hair tidy


the activity of providing services or products in exchange for money

negócio, empresa

a small card that contains contact information for a person or company, used to share and promote professional connections

cartão de visita, cartão profissional

a device or piece of equipment for taking photographs, making movies or television programs

câmera, máquina fotográfica

an electronic device that stores and processes data

computador, máquina de calcular

an electronic device used for listening to audio files or for storing digital data

iPod, tocador de áudio

a specially shaped piece of metal used for locking or unlocking a door, starting a car, etc.

chave, chaveta

a cellular phone or cell phone; a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

telefone móvel, celular

an official document issued by a government that identifies someone as a citizen of a particular country, which is needed when leaving a country and entering another one


an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, usually made of plastic or metal

caneta, esferográfica

a small bag that is used, particularly by women, to carry personal items

bolsa, carteira

a paper or electronic document that a person needs to buy in order to travel on a train

bilhete de trem, ticket de trem

an object with a circular folding frame covered in cloth, used as protection against rain or sun

guarda-chuva, sombrinha

something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping

sacola, bag

someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family

amigo, companheiro

a global computer network that allows users around the world to communicate with each other and exchange information


a car that has a driver whom we pay to take us to different places

táxi, carro de aluguel

a person's closest and most trusted friend, with whom they share a strong bond and deep understanding

melhor amigo, melhor amiga

used when we want to talk about a person or thing for the first time or when other people may not know who or what they are

um, uma

used before a singular noun that starts with a vowel sound, when we are not talking about a specific person or thing

um, uma