Treinamento Geral IELTS (Faixa 5 e Abaixo) - Traços Humanos Positivos
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas às características humanas positivas que são necessárias para o exame IELTS de treinamento geral.
having a hopeful and positive outlook on life, expecting good things to happen


thinking deeply about oneself and one's experiences, often resulting in new understandings or realizations

reflexivo, pensativo

able to do things as one wants without needing help from others

independente, autônoma

having a strong desire or ambition to achieve a goal or accomplish a task

motivado, impulsionado

not judging someone and forgiving toward them when they do something wrong or make a mistake

compreensivo, perdoador

able to change and adjust to different conditions and circumstances

adaptável, flexível