Treinamento Geral IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Ações Relacionais
Aqui, você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas a Ações Relacionais que são necessárias para o exame IELTS de Treinamento Geral.
to share or express one's personal thoughts, emotions, or experiences with someone else

abrir-se, compartilhar

to come to an agreement after a dispute by reducing demands

comprometer-se, chegar a um acordo

to invite someone on a date, particularly a romantic one

chamar para sair, convidar para um encontro

to take care and be watchful of someone or something and make sure no harm comes to them

vigiar, cuidar de

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

suportar, tolerar

to do or say something to make someone stop worrying or less afraid

tranquilizar, assegurar

to give one's time or commit oneself entirely to a certain matter, cause, or activity

dedicar, consagrar

to make a person become friendly again with another after ending a disagreement or dispute

reconciliar, fazer as pazes

to come together and support a person, cause, or idea, especially during challenging times

reunir-se em torno de, apoiar

to behave in a way that shows a person is only sexually drawn to someone, with no serious intention of starting a relationship

flertar, paquerar

to abruptly cut off communication with someone, especially online, without explanation

fantasmar, cortar comunicação

to end a relationship that one was romantically involved in, often in a way that is unexpected or unfair

terminar, descartar

to no longer be friends with someone as a result of an argument

discutir, romper amizade

to make someone disappointed by not meeting their expectations

decepcionar, desapontar

to make it so that the partnership, relationship, or others' perception toward a person or group is damaged or terminated

virar-se contra, voltar-se contra