Colocações de 'Be-Place-Put' e muito mais - Condição ou estado (obter)
Explore colocações em inglês com 'Get' usado para expressar condição ou estado, incluindo "-get a cold e" get into encrenca ".
to become infected with a viral illness, often characterized by symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, and congestion
to darken one's skin as a result of exposure to sunlight or other methods
to become involved in a problematic or difficult situation, often as a result of one's actions or decisions
to have one's hair shortened or styled by a hairdresser or barber
to successfully complete the required studies and receive an academic qualification from a university or college
to make progress or achieve success, especially when facing difficulties or obstacles
to make no progress, achieve no results, or reach no favorable outcome in a particular situation or endeavor