Kollokationer av 'Be- Place- Put' & mer - Tillstånd eller tillstånd (Hämta)
Utforska engelska kollokationer med "Get" för att uttrycka tillstånd eller tillstånd, inklusive "-bli förkyld och "komma i trubbel".
to become infected with a viral illness, often characterized by symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, and congestion
när någon blir förkyld
to darken one's skin as a result of exposure to sunlight or other methods
blir solbränd
to take off what one is wearing and put on something else
byta kläder
to become involved in a problematic or difficult situation, often as a result of one's actions or decisions
befinner sig i en problematisk situation
to have one's hair shortened or styled by a hairdresser or barber
klippa håret
to understand something completely and clearly
förstår något helt
to successfully complete the required studies and receive an academic qualification from a university or college
få en examen
to make progress or achieve success, especially when facing difficulties or obstacles
göra framsteg
to make no progress, achieve no results, or reach no favorable outcome in a particular situation or endeavor
komma ingenstans