Letramento para o Exame ACT - Compreendendo as perguntas
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês relacionadas à compreensão de questões, como "coerência", "relevante", "minar", etc., que o ajudarão a acertar seus ACTs.
a sentence or group of words from a movie, book, etc. that someone else repeats

citação, trecho

in a way that makes sense based on clear thinking or reasoning

logicamente, de maneira lógica

to explain or show the meaning of something using examples, pictures, etc.

ilustrar, explicar

to express the meaning of something written or spoken with a different choice of words

parafrasear, reformular

having a close connection with the situation or subject at hand

relevante, pertinente

the common and proper way of doing something or appearing in a specific context or group

convenção, costume

to change something in a way that suits a new purpose or situation better

adaptar, ajustar

to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone

minar, desgastar

to clearly define or state specific details, characteristics, or requirements

especificar, definir

to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter

inferir, deduzir