Lista de Palavras Nível B2 - Jogos
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre jogos, como "charades", "playmate", "scoreboard", etc. preparadas para alunos B2.
the action of providing people with activities, performances, etc. to make them laugh or amuse them

entretenimento, diversão

a type of game in which a player does not speak and only uses movements or gestures to express the meaning of a word or phrase so that the other players can guess what word or phrase it is

charadas, jogo de mímica

a picture on a cardboard that is cut into different pieces and one should fit them together in order for the picture to become whole again

quebra-cabeça, puzzle

one of the set of 52 cards with unique symbols and numbers on one side, used in specific card games

carta de baralho, jogo de cartas

(always plural) one of the four sets in a pack of playing cards that is marked with a black design in the shape of a leaf with 3 connected balls on a small stem

os paus

(plural) one of the four sets in a pack of playing cards that is characterized by a red diamond shape

os ouros, um dos quatro naipes de um baralho de cartas

(plural) one of the four sets in a pack of playing cards that is marked with a red heart shape

copas, as copas

(plural) one of the four sets in a pack of playing cards that is marked with a black design in the shape of a pointed leaf with a small stem

espadas, ouros

one of the playing cards with only one symbol on it, which in most card games is considered the highest-ranking card


a game for two players who take a turn to put an X or O in nine provided squares, and the first player who manages to make a row, column, or diagonal of three Xs or Os in those squares wins

jogo da velha, tic-tac-toe

an indoor game for two teams of players each trying to throw a ball with their hands to the opponent's goal


a type of doll that, based on popular belief, represents an attractive young woman

boneca Barbie, barbie

each of a set of small flat blocks, made of wood, plastic, etc., with spots that represent numbers on one side, used in specific games


a human-like soft doll made from cloth pieces

boneca de pano, boneca de retalhos

a type of toy that consists of colored plastic blocks that fit together and using which children can build different things


a type of board game in which players use game currency to buy buildings or streets represented on the board

monopólio, jogo do monopólio

a type of board game in which one tries to make words on a board using small blocks with letters on them

Scrabble, jogo de palavras

a board that displays the score in a contest or game

placar, tabela de pontuação

an image that is the representation of a player in a game or an account on social media

avatar, imagem de perfil