Книга English File - Средний уровень - Урок 4А
Здесь вы найдете словарный запас из урока 4А учебника английского языка File Intermediate, например, «набрать номер», «помолвлен», «контракт» и т. д.
to enter a telephone number using a rotary or keypad on a telephone or mobile device in order to make a call
набирать номер
to return a phone call or contact someone again when the first attempt to communicate was missed or unsuccessful
to make something be seen, heard, or noticed by delivering, writing or recording something
a written or spoken piece of information or communication sent to or left for another person
a system that allows callers to leave recorded messages for someone who is unable to answer their phone
involved in a task, project, or other activity, either mentally and emotionally or physically
(of alarms) to start making a lot of noise as a warning or signal
to end a phone call while the other person is still on the line
a telecommunication network allowing calls and messages to be sent and received between phones
телефонная сеть
a magazine or periodical that gets published once every month
an official agreement between two or more sides that states what each of them has to do
in a suspended state to be considered and dealt with in the future
будет сделано позже, а не сейчас
a payment system in which one is only able to use a service up to the amount that they have paid for, and payment must be made in advance of using the service
оплачивать товары по мере их приобретения