Книга Top Notch Основы B - Блок 11 – Урок 3
Здесь вы найдете словарный запас из Блока 11 — Урока 3 учебника Top Notch Fundamentals B, например, «вождение», «на открытом воздухе», «парусный спорт» и т. д.
the act of moving our bodies through water with the use of our arms and legs, particularly as a sport

the act of traveling in a vehicle, typically an automobile, to reach a destination

водить, ездить
a game that is mostly played outside where each person uses a special stick to hit a small white ball into a number of holes with the least number of swings

a type of skating using inline skates with wheels, often done for fun or sport on paved surfaces

катание на роликах
the activity of swimming beneath the water's surface while breathing through a hollow tube named a snorkel

ныряние с трубкой
a type of sport in which a person climbs rock surfaces that are very steep

the sport or activity of moving on ice with ice skates

катание на коньках
the activity or sport of sailing on water by standing on a special board with a sail attached to it

(of a place or space) located outside in a natural or open-air setting, without a roof or walls

открытый, наружный
something that a person spends time doing, particularly to accomplish a certain purpose

the act of walking in a way that is very fast and both feet are never on the ground at the same time, particularly as a sport
