Книга Solutions - Элементарный уровень - Введение – IA – Часть 1
Здесь вы найдете словарь из «Введение – IA – часть 1» учебника Solutions Elementary, например «число», «нечетный», «одиннадцать» и т. д.
a number that indicates the position of something in a sequence or series

порядковый номер
the number 23; the number of pairs of chromosomes in the human body

двадцать три
the number 25; the number we get when we multiply five by five

двадцать пять
the number 27; the number you get when you multiply three by three by three

двадцать семь
the number 28; the number that is equal to twenty plus eight

двадцать восемь
the number 29; the number of days in February when the year has one extra day during a leap year

двадцать девять
the number 31; the number of days in January, March, May, July, August, October, and December

тридцать один
the number 34; the number of years in three decades plus four years

тридцать четыре
the number 38; the number that is equal to thirty plus eight

тридцать восемь
the number 47; the number of years in five decades minus three years

сорок семь