Das Buch Solutions - Grundstufe - Einführung – Folgenabschätzung – Teil 1
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einführung – IA – Teil 1 im Solutions Elementary-Kursbuch, wie „Zahl“, „ungerade“, „elf“ usw.
a number that indicates the position of something in a sequence or series

ordinalzahl, Ordnungszahl

the number 27; the number you get when you multiply three by three by three


the number 28; the number that is equal to twenty plus eight

achtundzwanzig, 28

the number 29; the number of days in February when the year has one extra day during a leap year


the number 31; the number of days in January, March, May, July, August, October, and December


the number 34; the number of years in three decades plus four years

vierunddreißig, 34

the number 37; the number that is equal to thirty plus seven

siebenunddreißig, 37

the number 43; the number of days in six weeks and one extra day

dreiundvierzig, 43

the number 47; the number of years in five decades minus three years
