Книга Solutions - Продвинутый - Блок 1 - 1А
Здесь вы найдете словарный запас из модулей 1–1A учебника Solutions Advanced, например, «вызов», «воспоминание», «зачеркнуть» и т. д.
the ability of mind to keep and remember past events, people, experiences, etc.

to talk or write about one's enjoyable previous experiences

Предаваться воспоминаниям, особенно о счастливых воспоминаниях
to return in large numbers or with force, often in a sudden and overwhelming manner

Воспоминания нахлынуть
to often forget things due to one's exceptionally poor memory

иметь очень плохую память
to help someone remember something they forgot

заставить кого-то внезапно что-то вспомнить
to think hard or make a great effort to remember or solve something

вспомнить или подумать о чем-то
to make one feel a sense of familiarity or help one remember something

звучит смутно знакомо
to call forth or elicit emotions, feelings, or responses, often in a powerful or vivid manner

вызывать чувства
to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it

напоминать, уведомлять

to remember past events, experiences, or memories with a sense of nostalgia

a warm and wistful emotion of longing or missing past experiences and cherished memories

ностальгия, тоска по родине
the act or process of remembering or recalling past events, experiences, or information

the act of bringing an image, memory, or feeling to one’s mind

воскрешение в памяти