Глаголы, Связанные с Темами - Глаголы, связанные с технологиями
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские глаголы, относящиеся к технологии, такие как «обновить», «типировать» и «взломать».
to select an item or function from a computer screen, etc. using a mouse or touchpad

to make improvements or changes to software, apps, or electronic devices to enhance their features or fix issues

обновить, модернизировать

to add data to a computer from the Internet or another computer

скачать, загружать
to prevent someone from contacting or viewing one's activities on social media

to send an electronic file such as a document, image, etc. from one digital device to another one, often by using the Internet

загрузить, выгрузить

to move what is being displayed on a computer or smartphone screen up or down to see different parts of it

(computing) to illegally access a computer system, network, or online account in order to find, use, or change the information it contains

to send a message to someone by email

отправлять по почте, посылать по электронной почте
to write a set of codes in order to make a computer or a machine perform a particular task

to convert data or information into a coded form, mainly to prevent unauthorized access

to search the Internet for information about someone or something using the Google search engine

to repost or share a message that has already been shared by someone else on X social media

to cause a computer system to load, especially immediately after it has been turned off

to create or post video content on a blog or social media platform

вести влог, влогить

to convert something from its physical or analog form into a digital format

цифровать, диджитализировать

to enter information using a keyboard or other input device on a computer or other electronic devices

вводить, набирать

to start using a computer system, online account, or application by doing particular actions

входить в систему