Общая Подготовка IELTS (Уровень 8 и Выше) - Звуки
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, связанные со звуками, которые необходимы для экзамена General Training IELTS.
having a sound that is muted, subdued, or dampened
приглушенный, глухой
(of a sound) having tones that clash or sound unpleasant together
диссонантный, дискордантный
having a loud, sharp, and resonant sound, often characterized by the collision or striking of metal objects
гремящий, звонкий
(of a sound) so harsh and unpleasant that creates a strong sense of disturbance
producing a continuous, buzzing, or humming sound
визжащий, гудящий
having a rough sound, often unpleasant to listen to
шершавый, хриплый
producing a loud, harsh, and intense sound, often characterized by its overwhelming volume and piercing quality
громкий, пронизительный
producing a heavy, muffled, and often repeated sound
громкий, глухой
producing a harsh, discordant sound, often characterized by a series of clashing or clinking noises
лязгающий, дисгармоничный
to make a loud, harsh, piercing sound, like that of tires sliding on pavement