Академический IELTS (Уровень 8 и Выше) - Success
Здесь вы выучите некоторые английские слова, связанные с успехом, которые необходимы для сдачи академического экзамена IELTS.
showing initiative, resourcefulness, and a willingness to undertake new and challenging projects or ventures

предприимчивый, инициативный

characterized by a strong focus on achieving specific objectives

ориентированный на цели, нацеленный на результат

indicating that something is very likely to succeed in the future

extremely successful, particularly in job or education

чрезвычайно успешный
to go beyond a particular limit, quality, or standard, often in an exceptional or remarkable way

превосходить, трансцендировать

to become more successful, important, or powerful that someone or something else in a way that they become unnoticeable

затмить, превосходить

to posses or reach a higher level of skill, success, value, or quantity than another person or thing

to surpass or overcome an opponent or obstacle through strategic and skillful maneuvers

перехитрить, обойти

to surpass or exceed others in a particular quality, skill, or achievement

затмить, превосходить