Allmän Träning IELTS (Band 5 och Nedåt) - Ätande och drickande
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till Äta och dricka som är nödvändiga för den allmänna utbildningen IELTS-examen.
to break down food in the body and to absorb its nutrients and necessary substances
smälta, absorbera
to pull air, liquid, etc. into the mouth by using the muscles of the mouth and the lips
suga, dra
to pass the tongue over a surface, typically to taste or eat something
slicka, dila över
to cause food, drink, or another substance to pass from the mouth down into the stomach, using the muscles of the throat
svälja, sluka
to bite and crush food into smaller pieces with the teeth to make it easier to swallow
tugga, bita
to put water, coffee, or other type of liquid inside of our body through our mouth
dricka, suga
to eat in a restaurant, etc. rather than at one's home
äta ute, äta på restaurang
to drink a liquid by taking a small amount each time
sippa, dricka små klunkar
to have a meal that is a combination of breakfast and lunch late in the morning
bruncha, äta brunch