Kollokationer av 'Pay- Run- Break' & mer - Slumpmässiga åtgärder (kör)
Utforska engelska kollokationer med "Run" som används för att beskriva slumpmässiga åtgärder med exempel som "run amok" och "run an errand".
to run a temperature
to have an elevated body temperature, often as a symptom of an illness or infection
har feber
to run amok
to behave in a wild, uncontrolled, and often violent manner
komma utom kontroll
to run dry
(of rivers, streams, wells, or other sources of water) to become empty of water
blir torr
to run an errand
to complete a short and often minor task
slutföra en liten uppgift
to run late
to be behind schedule or not arrive at a destination or appointment at the expected or planned time
kommer sent
to run wild
to behave in a disorderly and uncontrolled manner
beter sig okontrollerat
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