Kategoriserade Engelska Kvantifikatorer - Räknebara kvantifierare
Dessa kvantifierare visas som bestämningsfaktorer före substantiv och anger deras ungefärliga antal.
used to indicate a small number of items, people, or things
några, ett par
used to indicate a smaller number of something compared to a previous amount, or in contrast to another group
färre, färre antal
used to indicate the smallest number or quantity of something among a group of items or options
det minsta antalet, färst antal
used to refer to a number of things or people, more than two but not many
flera, några
used to refers to more than one or several of something, indicating a number of distinct items, people, or instances
olika, flera
used to indicate a large number of people or things
många, flertalet
used to indicate a large quantity or number of something
många, massor av
used to indicate a considerable number or quantity of something
ett gott antal, många
used to emphasize a large number or quantity of something
ett stort antal, många
used to refer to the largest number or amount
de flesta, största delen av
used to indicate an excessive or undesirable quantity of something
för många, alltför många