Kitap English File - Orta Altı - Ders 3B
Burada İngilizce File Pre-Intermediate ders kitabındaki Ders 3B'deki "bağlı olmak", "inanmak", "düşünmek" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to arrive at something
to reach a decision, understanding, or conclusion after consideration or discussion

to wait for somebody or something
to remain in a state of expectation or anticipation for something or someone

to depend on
to require someone or something for support, maintenance, help, etc.

yardım beklemek
to pay for something
to give money or something else of value in exchange for goods or services

to spend on
to use money in exchange for the purchase of a specific item or the utilization of a particular service

to think about
to take a person or thing's situation and circumstances into account while making decisions

dikkate almak

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