
本 English File - 初中級 - レッスン 3B

ここでは、英語ファイル初中級コースブックのレッスン 3B にある「依存する」、「信じる」、「考える」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









English File - Pre-intermediate
to arrive in sw

to reach a destination, typically a place or a city, after a journey

to arrive at something

to reach a decision, understanding, or conclusion after consideration or discussion

to wait for somebody or something

to remain in a state of expectation or anticipation for something or someone

to depend on

to require someone or something for support, maintenance, help, etc.

依存する, 頼る

依存する, 頼る

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to agree with

to believe that something is morally right or acceptable

同意する, 受け入れる

同意する, 受け入れる

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to ask for

to state that one wants to see or speak to someone specific

誰かに会うように頼む, 誰かと話すように頼む

誰かに会うように頼む, 誰かと話すように頼む

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to listen

to give our attention to the sound a person or thing is making

聞く, 聴く

聞く, 聴く

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to pay for something

to give money or something else of value in exchange for goods or services

to speak

to talk to someone about something

話す, 話しかける

話す, 話しかける

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to spend on

to use money in exchange for the purchase of a specific item or the utilization of a particular service

お金を使う, 投資する

お金を使う, 投資する

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to believe in

to firmly trust in the goodness or value of something

信じる, 確信する

信じる, 確信する

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to think about

to take a person or thing's situation and circumstances into account while making decisions

考慮する, 思う

考慮する, 思う

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to belong to

to be a member or part of a particular group or organization

属する, メンバーである

属する, メンバーである

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