Kitap Summit 2B - Ünite 8 - Ders 1
Burada Summit 2B ders kitabındaki Ünite 8 - Ders 1'deki "göz sahibi olmak", "becerikli", "sezgisel duygu" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to have a natural ability or interest in understanding and working with machines or mechanical systems
to be exceptionally good at something that requires handywork

eli hünerli olmak
to naturally excel at doing something

bir alanda yeteneği olmak
to be quick at learning and understanding a piece of music or a specific language and be able to accurately reproduce or utilize it

iyi kulağı olmak
to naturally be good at noticing, judging, or appreciating something, particularly a thing's value or a person's talents

iyisinden anlamak
a sense or perception that comes naturally without conscious reasoning or analysis

sezgisel anlayış