Kniha Summit 2B - Lekce 8 – Lekce 1
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 8 - Lekce 1 v učebnici Summit 2B, jako například „mají oči“, „dovednost“, „intuitivní cítění“ atd.
to give details about someone or something to say what they are like

popisovat, charakterizovat

to have a natural ability or interest in understanding and working with machines or mechanical systems
to be quick at learning and understanding a piece of music or a specific language and be able to accurately reproduce or utilize it
to naturally be good at noticing, judging, or appreciating something, particularly a thing's value or a person's talents
a sense or perception that comes naturally without conscious reasoning or analysis

intuitivní pocit, intuitivní vnímání

to have a natural talent in dealing with a particular type of people or things