Çözümler - Temel - Ünite 1 - 1C
Burada Solutions Elementary ders kitabındaki Ünite 1 - 1C'deki "süpermarket", "ütüleme", "boşaltma" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
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the action of cleaning oneself or something else such as clothes, sheets, etc. using water and cleaning substances, particularly soap
a large store that we can go to and buy food, drinks and other things from
an electric machine that is used to clean dishes, spoons, cups, etc.
bulaşık makinesi
to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use
furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on
to organize a place and put things where they belong
derleyerek toparlamak
to clean someone or something with water, often with a type of soap