
Sách Solutions - Cơ bản - Đơn vị 1 - 1C

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Unit 1 - 1C trong giáo trình Solutions Elementary, chẳng hạn như “siêu thị”, “ủi”, “dỡ hàng”, v.v.


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Solutions - Elementary

regular work done in a house, especially cleaning, washing, etc.

công việc nhà

công việc nhà

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to clean

to make something have no bacteria, marks, or dirt

làm sạch cái gì đó

làm sạch cái gì đó

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a building where people live, especially as a family

căn nhà

căn nhà

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to cook

to make food with heat

nấu ăn

nấu ăn

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the main meal of the day that we usually eat in the evening

bửa cơm chánh

bửa cơm chánh

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to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name



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the activity of making clothes, etc. smooth using an iron

ủi đồ

ủi đồ

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the action of cleaning oneself or something else such as clothes, sheets, etc. using water and cleaning substances, particularly soap

lớp màu nước mỏng tô lê

lớp màu nước mỏng tô lê

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[Danh từ]
to go

to travel or move from one location to another

đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác

đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác

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a large store that we can go to and buy food, drinks and other things from

chợ có nhiều mặt hàng

chợ có nhiều mặt hàng

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to load

to fill or pack a space with the specified items

chất hàng hóa

chất hàng hóa

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to unload

to remove things or goods from a container, vehicle, etc.

cất hàng hóa xuống

cất hàng hóa xuống

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an electric machine that is used to clean dishes, spoons, cups, etc.

máy rửa chén dĩa

máy rửa chén dĩa

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to set

to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use

dọn bàn ăn

dọn bàn ăn

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furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on



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to tidy

to organize a place and put things where they belong

ngăn nắp

ngăn nắp

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a room we use for sleeping

phòng ngũ

phòng ngũ

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[Danh từ]
to wash

to clean someone or something with water, often with a type of soap

rửa cái gì đó

rửa cái gì đó

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