Kitap Insight - Orta Üstü - Ünite 6 - 6D
Burada Insight Upper-Intermediate ders kitabındaki Ünite 6 - 6D'deki "hikaye tahtası", "görüntü", "seslendirme" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
watching a situation without being noticed or actively involved

çaktırmadan izleyen kimse
the act of providing money or capital to support a project, organization, or activity

finansman sağlama
a part of a movie, play or book in which the action happens in one place or is of one particular type

sahne, sekans
sound professional responsible for recording, mixing, and editing audio to achieve desired results

ses mühendisi
a long pole used to hold a microphone above a film or TV set to capture sound

kol (mikrofon, kamera
a person who creates or selects clothing and accessories for performances in theater, film, or television

kostüm tasarımcısı
the use of various equipment and techniques to illuminate the subjects and environment in a way that enhances the mood, atmosphere, and visual style of the photo or film

someone whose job is to write the story of a movie, play, TV show, etc.

senarist, senaryo yazarı
a set of pictures or drawings depicting the outline of the plot of a movie, TV series, etc.

resimli taslak
a person who performs dangerous or difficult actions in place of actors in movies or shows
