Genel Eğitim IELTS (Bant 6-7) - Entelektüel Yetersizlik
Burada, Genel Eğitim IELTS sınavı için gerekli olan Zihinsel Yetersizlik ile ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
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Flash kartlar
having a limited ability to think or understand quickly
düşük zeka, açık olmayan
lacking knowledge, understanding, or awareness about a particular situation or subject
cahilleşmiş, farkında olmayan
lacking intelligence or not taking things seriously
dalgın, serious olmayan
believing things very easily and being easily tricked because of it
lacking intelligence or the ability to grasp and comprehend ideas
aptal, cahil
lacking knowledge, awareness, or understanding about a particular subject or in general
bilgisiz, cehalet
lacking knowledge or education in a particular field
eğitimsiz, cehalet
lacking insight or the ability to discern and understand things accurately
algılayamayan, anlayışsız
lacking intelligence, common sense, or deep thinking
boş kafalı, aptal
lacking the habit or ability to notice, perceive, or pay attention to details in one's surroundings
dikkatsiz, gözlemci olmayan