
Akademik IELTS (Bant 6-7) - İstek ve Öneri

Burada Akademik IELTS sınavı için gerekli olan İstek ve Önerilerle ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (6-7)
to inquire

to ask for information, clarification, or an explanation



to solicit

to request something, usually in a formal or persistent manner

talep etmek

talep etmek

to appeal

to officially ask a higher court to review and reverse the decision made by a lower court

resmen talep etmek, başvuruda bulunmak

resmen talep etmek, başvuruda bulunmak

to pray

to speak to God or a deity, often to ask for help, express gratitude, or show devotion

dua etmek

dua etmek

to crave

to strongly desire or seek something

çok istemek

çok istemek

to sue

to bring a charge against an individual or organization in a law court

Mahkemeye vermek

Mahkemeye vermek

to implore

to earnestly and desperately beg for something

yalvarmak, dilenen

yalvarmak, dilenen

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to entreat

to ask someone in an emotional or urgent way to do something

rica etmek

rica etmek

to plead

to make an earnest and emotional request, often accompanied by a strong sense of urgency or desperation

yalvarmak, ricada bulunmak

yalvarmak, ricada bulunmak

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to petition

to write and submit an official written document

dilekçe vermek, başvuruda bulunmak

dilekçe vermek, başvuruda bulunmak

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to importune

to request something in an annoyingly persistent way

ısrarla istemek

ısrarla istemek

to call for

to request the presence or participation of someone in a specific event or activity

çağırmak, talep etmek

çağırmak, talep etmek

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to requisition

to make an official or formal request for something

talep etmek, requisye etmek

talep etmek, requisye etmek

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to urge

to strongly recommend something

ısrarla tavsiye etmek

ısrarla tavsiye etmek

to counsel

to advise someone to take a course of action

tavsiye etmek

tavsiye etmek

to float

to bring suggestions, plans, or ideas forward for further consideration

bir fikir veya planı önermek

bir fikir veya planı önermek

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