Akademik IELTS (Bant 6-7) - Sözlü İletişimde Bulunmak
Burada Akademik IELTS sınavı için gerekli olan Sözlü İletişime Geçmek ile ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to talk about something confidently, suggesting that one is well informed about it

ayrıntılı bir şekilde konuşmak
to form words and articulate sounds with the lips and tongue in order to communicate verbally

to talk quickly and a lot about unimportant and idiotic things

söyleşmek, gevezelik yapmak

to exchange opinions and have discussions with others, often to come to an agreement or decision

to describe something in a way that makes it seem more important or extreme than it really is

abartmak, exage etmektedir

to openly declare one's belief or opinion about something without reservations
