
'Together', 'Against', 'Apart' ve diğerleri Kullanılarak Yapılan Phrasal Verbs - Bir Eylem Gerçekleştirme (Arasında ve Arasında)


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Phrasal Verbs With 'Together', 'Against', 'Apart', & others
to admit of

to let something happen or exist

olanak vermek

olanak vermek

to become of

to ask about what has happened or will happen to someone or something

başına gelmek

başına gelmek

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to consist of

to be formed from particular parts or things

müteşekkil olmak

müteşekkil olmak

to deprive of

to take away or deny someone or something the possession or enjoyment of a particular thing

to give of

to selflessly contribute one's time, energy, etc. to a task or cause, typically for the benefit of others or a greater purpose

to hear of

to know about somebody or something because one has received information or news about them

haberdar olmak

haberdar olmak

to know of

to be aware of someone or something and have some information about them, although the knowledge may be limited

to speak of

to indicate, foretell, or suggest something

to think of

to acknowledge a specific concept, suggestion, or factor

bir şeyi düşünmek

bir şeyi düşünmek

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to come between

to be a cause or source of division or conflict between two or more parties

to sandwich between

to be in a confined area with little space between two objects or individuals

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