B1 Düzeyi Kelime Listesi - Ev Aletleri ve Mobilya
Burada B1 öğrencileri için hazırlanmış "meyve sıkacağı", "mutfak robotu", "sofra takımı" gibi ev aletleri ve mobilyalarla ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
a large piece of cotton or other cloth put on a bed, on or under which one can lie

yatak çarşafı
an electrical container that can store food for a long time at a temperature that is very low

an electrical device fixed above the stove that can remove smoke, steam, or unpleasant smells in the kitchen

a small machine attached to the top of the waste pipe of a kitchen sink for shredding food waste

çöp öğütücü
a pot that has a tight lid and can quickly cook food using high-pressure steam

düdüklü tencere
an electric kitchen appliance used to chop, slice, shred, or puree food

mutfak robotu
an electric kitchen tool used for removing the juice of fruits and vegetables

meyve sıkacağı
one of the two thin, typically wooden sticks, used particularly by people of China, Japan, etc., to eat food

yemek çubuğu
a type of large spoon with a long handle and a deep bowl, particularly used for serving liquid food

a kitchen tool with a broad and flat part on one end, used for turning and lifting food

a piece of furniture that has a soft and comfortable area for two or more people to sit or rest on

an electrical device with two narrow plates that when heated up can be used to pull hair with and make it straight

saç düzleştirici
an instrument that automatically controls the temperature of a room, machine, etc.

a bag of cloth, leather, etc. filled with something soft such as feathers, used particularly on a chair for sitting or leaning on

yastık, kırlent

a tool with a handle and a group of hair or thin pieces of plastic, etc. connected to it, used for cleaning

yer temizleme fırçası