Книга Summit 2B - Розділ 6 - Попередній перегляд
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 6 - Попередній перегляд у підручнику Summit 2B, наприклад «багаж», «накладні витрати», «перевірка» тощо.
the act of going to a different place, usually a place that is far

подорож, переміщення

suitcases or other bags, containing our clothes and things, that we carry when we are traveling

a suitcase or a small bag that one can carry onto an airplane

портфель, сумка на борт

suitcases, bags, etc. to keep one's clothes and other belongings while traveling

not perceived, noticed, or apprehended, often due to a lack of attention, awareness, or understanding

упущений, непомічений

the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger

the process of identifying people or things with specific features or characteristics via testing them

скринінг, відбір

a situation in which something fails to work properly, especially because of a mechanical failure

поломка, зрив