Книга Insight - Елементарний - Ласкаво просимо Е
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Welcome E у підручнику Insight Elementary, наприклад «сезон», «середа», «час» тощо.
a period of time that a year is divided into, such as winter and summer, with each having three months

пора року
the season after summer and before winter when the leaves change color and fall from the trees


the season that comes after winter, when in most countries the trees and flowers begin to grow again

the season that comes after spring and in most countries summer is the warmest season

the season that comes after fall and in most countries winter is the coldest season

a number that indicates the position of something in a sequence, such as third, second, etc.

ординальний, порядковий номер

a time that is arranged to meet a person with whom one is in a relationship or is likely to be in the future

свідання, дата

coming or happening right after the twentieth person or thing

двадцять перший

coming or happening right after the twenty-first person or thing

двадцять другий, 22-ий

coming or happening right after the twenty-second person or thing

двадцять третій, 23-й

coming or happening right after the twenty-third person or thing

двадцять четвертий

coming or happening right after the twenty-fourth person or thing

двадцять п'ятий, 25-й

coming or happening right after the twenty-fifth person or thing

двадцять шостий, двадцять шостого

coming or happening right after the twenty-sixth person or thing

двадцять сьомий, двадцять сьомий (прикметник)

coming or happening right after the twenty-seventh person or thing

двадцятий восьмий, 28-й

coming or happening right after the twenty-eighth person or thing

двадцяте дев'яте, 29-е

coming or happening right after the thirtieth person or thing

тридцять перший, 31-й

the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock

put after the numbers one to twelve to show or tell what time it is, only when it is at that exact hour
