Книга Solutions - Середній - Блок 5 - 5A - Частина 2
Тут ви знайдете лексику з Розділу 5 - 5A - Частини 2 у підручнику Solutions Intermediate, як-от "прокручування", "зняти позначку", "значок" тощо.
to move what is being displayed on a computer or smartphone screen up or down to see different parts of it

to mark an item or option with a cross, circle, etc. in a form, survey, exam paper, etc.

позначити, поставити галочку

to undo or remove a previously selected option, typically by removing a checkmark or deselecting a checkbox

зняти галочку, скасувати вибір

to subscribe to a person or organization's account on a social media platform to check everything that they post or publish

слідкувати, підписуватись на

to make an identical duplicate of a file, text, or other digital content, usually to paste it elsewhere

копіювати, дублювати

to select an item or function from a computer screen, etc. using a mouse or touchpad

a folder or location on a computer where deleted files are temporarily stored before being permanently removed

кошик, корзина

a single screen or document on the internet that contains content such as text, images, videos, and links, often part of a website

a list of options presented on the computer screen for the user to choose from

меню, перелік опцій

a computer file, book, piece of paper etc. that is used as evidence or a source of information

a secret group of letters or numbers that allows access to a computer system or service

a unique identifier or name chosen by a user to represent themselves or their account in online platforms, websites, or social media

ім’я користувача
a series of letters and other characters that identifies a destination for email messages or the location of a website

an area on a computer screen that looks like a frame displaying the operation of a specific program

(computing) a word or picture in a website or an electronic document that will take the user to another page or document if they click on it

посилання, гіперпосилання

a small area or part of a machine or electronic device, which when pressed starts working

(computing) a small picture on a computer screen, etc. representing a program that when clicked will start running

an arrangement based on which a user is given a private and personalized access to an online platform, application, or computer

обліковий запис
to start using a computer system, online account, or application by doing particular actions
