Реляційні Прикметники - Прикметники організації
Ці прикметники стосуються характеристик або якостей, пов’язаних з ефективним управлінням, структурою чи організацією окремих осіб, груп чи систем.
related to established organizations or systems that have a significant role in society, such as governments, companies, or schools

інституційний, організаційний

relating to a system that is organized based on social ranking or levels of authority

ієрархічний, ієрархія

related to a system or organization that operates with many rules and procedures, often causing delays and inflexibility in decision-making


related to the management and organization of tasks, processes, or resources within an organization or system

адміністративний, адміністративна

using or having the power to decide on important matters, plans, etc. or to implement them

виконавчий, виконавча

related to managing or supervising tasks, resources, or personnel within an organization

управлінський, менеджерський

relating to the structure, management, or activities of an organization or group

організаційний, структурний

related to the process of growth, progress, or improvement over time

розвивальний, св'язаний з розвитком

involving or belonging to the government of a city, town, etc.

муніципальний, міський

related to the government, its institutions, or its functions

урядовий, державний

relating to a form of government where the legislature, known as parliament, has significant control over making laws and monitoring the government

парламентський, законодавчий

relating to the central government of a country rather than the local or regional governments

relating to a particular nation or country, including its people, culture, government, and interests

національний, державний

relating to the United States Congress, which makes laws and oversees the government

конгресійний, стосовно Конгресу