Прислівники Оцінки та Емоцій - Прислівники позитивних емоцій
Ці прислівники описують позитивні емоційні стани, які хтось відчуває, наприклад «щасливо», «чудово», «з ентузіазмом» тощо.
in a manner that brings great pleasure, enjoyment, or satisfaction
in a manner that is full of happiness, joy, and a sense of peaceful contentment
with a sense of satisfaction, honor, or deep pleasure in one's achievements or identity
in a manner filled with intensity, strong emotion, or passionate debate
in a manner that shows warmth, love, or fondness
з любов'ю,дбайливо
in a manner that shows great willingness, interest, or excitement
in a manner that shows kindness, understanding, and a deep concern for the well-being of others
in a way that is filled with light-heartedness, excitement, or a carefree sense of joy
in a manner that shows one is hopeful and optimistic about what is going to happen