Список Слів Рівня B1 - Основні дієслова частина 1
Тут ви дізнаєтесь деякі важливі англійські дієслова, такі як «признати», «порадити», «цілитися» тощо, підготовлені для тих, хто навчається B1.
to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

to provide someone with suggestion or guidance regarding a specific situation

to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them

оголошувати, повідомляти

to tell a person that one is sorry for having done something wrong

вибачитися, просити вибачення

to help a person in performing a task, achieving a goal, or dealing with a problem

to recognize someone's achievements by giving them something such as an official prize, payment, etc.

to say that something is the case without providing proof for it

стверджувати, заявляти

to tell a person that one admires something about them such as achievements, appearance, etc.

to come to a personal determination or belief after considering information or experiences

доходити висновку
to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof

to misunderstand or mistake a thing as something else or a person for someone else

to compare two people or things so that their differences are noticeable

to say the meaning of an expression or word, particularly in a dictionary

визначати, тлумачити

to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place

доставити, вручити

to learn of and confirm the facts about something through calculation or research

визначати, встановлювати

to separate people or things into two or more groups, parts, etc.

ділити, розділяти