اکیڈمک IELTS (بینڈ 5 اور نیچے) - جذباتی ریاستیں۔
یہاں، آپ جذباتی حالتوں سے متعلق کچھ انگریزی الفاظ سیکھیں گے جو بنیادی تعلیمی IELTS امتحان کے لیے ضروری ہیں۔
فلیش کارڈز
experiencing frequent changes in mood, often without apparent reason or explanation

موڈ کا اتار چڑھاؤ, نرمی والی حالت

feeling extremely tired physically or mentally, often due to a lack of sleep

تھکا ہوا, کمزور

tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

بور, بے کار

feeling unhappy and afraid because of something that has happened or might happen

پریشان, فکرمند

feeling unhappy, worried, or disappointed, often because something unpleasant happened

پریشان, ناراض

not satisfied or happy with something, because it did not meet one's expectations or hopes

ناراضہ, ناراضہ

feeling nervous or worried, especially about something unpleasant that might happen soon

بے چین, پریشان

not pleased or happy with something, because it is not as good as one expected

ناخوش, بے شمار

feeling embarrassed, guilty, or sorry about one's actions, characteristics, or circumstances

شرمندہ, غیرت مند

feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted

مُطمئن, مطمئنه

feeling happy and satisfied with something that has happened or with someone's actions

خوش, سُکھی

(of a person) having a positive attitude and believing that good things are likely to happen

امیدوار, خوش امید

expressing or feeling appreciation and thankfulness for something received or experienced

شکر گزار, شکر گزار