Động vật - Bọ cánh cứng và gián
Tại đây, bạn sẽ học tên của các loại bọ cánh cứng và gián khác nhau bằng tiếng Anh, chẳng hạn như "gián phương Đông", "bọ rùa" và "bọ cánh cứng".
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a large brown insect with a broad body, wings, long legs and antennae, considered a household pest

gián, gián đen

a flightless, dark brown to black cockroach species, known for its slow movement and preference for decaying organic matter

gián đất phương Đông, gián đất đen

a small and adaptable cockroach species commonly found in human dwellings, known for its rapid reproduction

gián Đức, gián nhà

a larger-sized species of cockroach, known for its size exceeding that of common household cockroaches

con gián lớn, gián khổng lồ

a medium-sized reddish-brown cockroach species native to Australia, known for its preference for warm and humid environments

gián Tây Australia, gián đỏ Úc

a small cockroach species found in outdoor environments in Asia, characterized by its dark brown to black coloration and ability to fly short distances

gián đất châu Á, gián châu Á

a large reddish-brown cockroach species commonly found in warm and humid regions

gián Mỹ, gián lớn

a large, typically black insect, which has a hard case on its back that covers its wings

bọ, côn trùng

a small beetle with a long snout that feeds on seeds and grains, destroying crops

sâu, bọ

a small, colorful insect belonging to the family Coccinellidae, known for its round shape and vibrant coloration

bọ rùa, bọ cánh cam

a small beetle that infests old wooden structures, the adults of which make a ticking sound as a mating call

bọ cánh cứng canh giữ cái chết, bọ chết canh giữ

a large beetle, the male of which has jaws that resemble the antlers of a stag

bọ cánh cứng, bọ dăm gỗ

a common scarab beetle characterized by its robust body and active presence during the spring and early summer months

bọ cánh cứng tháng 5, bọ cánh cứng

a small beetle, the larvae of which bore and damage wood

bọ cánh cứng đồ nội thất, bọ gỗ

a pest that feeds on potato plants, causing damage to the foliage and reducing crop yields

bọ cánh cứng khoai tây, bọ khoai tây

a highly destructive pest that feeds on potato plants, characterized by its distinctive yellow and black striped appearance

bọ cánh cứng khoai tây Colorado, bọ khoai tây Colorado

a small aquatic insect with divided eyes that enables it to see both above and below the water surface

bọ cánh cứng xoay tròn, côn trùng dưới nước có mắt chia đôi

an aquatic insect with adaptations for living in water, such as a streamlined body and specialized appendages for swimming

bọ beetle nước, insect nước

a fast and predatory insect known for its vibrant colors, distinct markings, and exceptional speed in capturing prey

bọ cánh cứng hổ, bọ cánh cứng

a destructive beetle that damages spruce trees by boring through the bark, causing tree decline and death

bọ cánh cứng vân sam, bọ cánh cứng làm hỏng vân sam

an insect known for its ability to produce a snapping sound and launch itself into the air by flexing its body

bọ cánh cứng kêu, bọ bật

a type of beetle characterized by its elongated snout or rostrum, known for its ability to cause damage to crops and stored grains

bọ ngựa, bọ đuôi dài

a predatory beetle with an elongated body, powerful jaws, and keen senses

bọ hung dữ, bọ săn mồi

a small beetle that primarily feeds on seeds and grains, often causing damage to crops

bọ hạt giống, côn trùng hạt giống

a beetle characterized by its oval-shaped body and often possessing a shiny and colorful exoskeleton

bọ cánh cứng, bọ cánh cứng scarabaeid

a longhorn beetle, is a wood-boring insect with long antennae and a distinctive elongated body

bọ cắt gỗ, bọ sọc

a small predatory insect with an elongated body, short wings, and a tendency to emit defensive secretions when disturbed

bọ rãnh, bọ tấn công

a colorful insect belonging to the family Scarabaeidae, known for its compact body, strong legs and metallic colors

bọ cánh cứng hoa hồng, bướm hoa hồng

a large insect with horn-like protrusions on the head of males, known for its robust size and distinctive appearance

bọ cạp đen, bọ rhinoceros

a small, shiny black or dark brown insect native to Asia, known for its feeding habits that can damage plants

bọ cánh cứng phương Đông, bọ phương Đông

a beetle known for its elongated body, bright colors, and the oil-like secretions it releases as a defense mechanism

bọ beetle dầu, bọ cánh cứng dầu

a beetle belonging to the family Melolonthidae, known for its robust build, nocturnal habits, and herbivorous feeding behavior on plants

bọ cánh cứng melolonthid, bọ melolonthidae

a small beetle native to Mexico and the United States that feeds on bean plants, causing damage to leaves and flowers

bọ beetle Mexico, bọ béo Mexico

a type of beetle characterized by its long antennae, which are often equal to or longer than its body

bọ hung dài, bọ hung dài antenne

a group of beetles that feed on beans and related plants, causing damage to the crops

bọ đậu, bọ đậu phụ

a small beetle that feeds on the inner bark of trees, often playing a vital role in decomposing dead or weakened trees

bọ cánh cứng vỏ cây, bọ vỏ cây

an insect that resembles a bee in appearance, with its yellow and black coloration

bọ cánh cứng giống ong, bọ ong

a beetle characterized by its ability to secrete cantharidin, a toxic substance that can cause blisters and skin irritation

côn trùng phồng rộp, bọ cánh cứng cantharidin

a dark-colored insect belonging to the beetle family Carabidae

bọ hung đen, côn trùng đen

a small, dark-colored beetle known for infesting and damaging various materials, such as carpets and clothing

bọ hung đen, bọ đen

an insect known for its ability to release a volatile chemical spray from its abdomen as a defense mechanism

bọ cánh cứng, bọ xịt hóa chất

a small insect that can cause damage to carpets, upholstery, and stored food products

bọ chét thảm buffalo, bọ tràn thảm buffalo

a predatory insect with an elongated body, strong mandibles, and well-developed legs

bọ cánh cứng carabid, bọ cánh cứng ăn thịt

a small insect that can infest and damage carpets, clothing, and other materials

bọ cánh cứng thảm

a predatory insect that feeds on other insects, particularly wood-boring beetles and their larvae, contributing to natural pest control

bọ beetle clérid, côn trùng clérid

a type of insect characterized by its ability to produce a clicking sound and perform a sudden, acrobatic jump when flipped onto its back

bọ cạp nhảy, bọ cạp nhấn

a soil-dwelling beetle with a dark appearance and prominent mandibles

bọ cánh cứng đất tối, bọ cánh cứng đất đen

a beetle species belonging to the family Tenebrionidae characterized by its dark coloration

bọ cánh cứng tối, bọ tenebrionid

a beetle species that feeds on and utilizes animal feces for nourishment and reproduction

bọ cánh cứng phân, bọ phân

a beetle species that feeds on and utilizes animal dung for food and reproduction

bọ cánh cứng phân, bọ rác

a beetle species characterized by its ability to produce a clicking sound and flip itself upright when overturned

bọ cánh cứng elaterid, bọ nháy

a small beetle known for its ability to jump and its habit of feeding on plant foliage

bọ cạp, bọ nhảy

a small insect known for its bright bioluminescent glow, which it uses to attract mates and prey

bọ cánh cứng lửa, bọ luminescent

a small insect, often reddish-brown or dark brown in color, that infests stored grain products

bọ rầy bột, côn trùng bột

a predatory insect found on the ground, known for its elongated body and dark coloration

bọ cạp đất, bọ hung dữ

a vibrant beetle with a green body and iridescent wings that is commonly found during the summer months

bọ xanh tháng sáu, bọ iridescent tháng sáu

a highly invasive insect with a metallic green and bronze body, known for its destructive feeding habits on a variety of plants

bọ cánh cứng nhật, bọ cánh cứng xâm lấn

a large scarab beetle, commonly found during the summer months and is known for its buzzing flight and attraction to lights at night

bọ beetle tháng sáu, bọ beetle mùa hè

a beetle characterized by its antennae with leaf-like structures

bọ beetle lamellicorn, côn trùng lamellicorn

a type of beetle with long antennae and a diverse range of patterns and colors

bọ cánh cứng longicorn, bọ cánh cứng với râu dài

an invasive species from East Asia that poses a significant threat to hardwood trees by tunneling into the wood

bọ cánh cứng châu Á có vòi dài, bọ cánh cứng dài sừng châu Á

a type of beetle native to Asia known for its distinctive appearance, feeding habits, and potential for causing damage to vegetation

bọ cánh cứng châu Á, bọ cánh cứng bản địa châu Á

a grayish beetle native to North America that infests cotton farms

bọ cánh cứng bông, boll weevil

a type of beetle that infests and feeds on seeds, causing damage to plants and reducing their reproductive potential

bọ cánh cứng hạt, bọ hạt giống

a small beetle that infests stored grains, known for causing damage to crops and stored food items

bọ xít gạo, bọ gạo

a beetle species that infests pea plants and other legumes, laying its eggs on the pods and causing damage to the seeds

bọ đậu, bọ đậu với

a small insect that infests stored grains and flour, causing damage and contamination

sâu bột, sâu lúa mạch

a small beetle with a black body that feeds on plants and can cause damage to leaves, stems, and roots

bọ cánh cứng đen, bọ đen

a small insect that infests stored beans and other legumes

bọ đậu, bọ của các loại đậu

any large European beetle that flies at dusk, the adult of which damages vegetation and the larvae infest the roots

bọ cánh cứng, bọ đêm

the larvae of an insect related to mites which is red or orange and feeds on the skin cells of warm-blooded animal


a nocturnal beetle of the order Coleoptera with a tail that shines in the dark

con đom đóm, bọ phát quang

a small brown insect with a pair of pincer-like appendages, the female of which looks after the young until they are grown

bọ cơm