
Sách Top Notch 3A - Bài 3 - Bài 2

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Bài 3 - Bài 2 trong giáo trình Top Notch 3A, chẳng hạn như "giặt khô", "kéo dài", "báo cáo", v.v.


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Top Notch 3A

the work done by a person, organization, company, etc. for the benefit of others

dịch vụ, sự phục vụ

dịch vụ, sự phục vụ

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to dry-clean

to clean clothing, bedding, or other fabrics using special chemicals and not water

giặt khô, làm sạch khô

giặt khô, làm sạch khô

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a jacket with a pair of pants or a skirt that are made from the same cloth and should be worn together

com lê, bộ đồ

com lê, bộ đồ

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to repair

to fix something that is damaged, broken, or not working properly

sửa chữa, khôi phục

sửa chữa, khôi phục

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something that we wear to cover and protect our feet, generally made of strong materials like leather or plastic



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to frame

to put a work of art in a solid border

đóng khung, làm khung

đóng khung, làm khung

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a visual representation of a scene, person, etc. produced by a camera

hình ảnh, ảnh

hình ảnh, ảnh

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to deliver

to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place

giao hàng, chuyển phát

giao hàng, chuyển phát

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a box or container in which items are packed

gói hàng, bao bì

gói hàng, bao bì

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to lengthen

to increase the length or duration of something

kéo dài, gia hạn

kéo dài, gia hạn

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to shorten

to decrease the length of something

rút ngắn, giảm bớt

rút ngắn, giảm bớt

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a piece of clothing for girls or women that fastens around the waist and hangs down around the legs

váy, váy ngắn

váy, váy ngắn

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to print

to create a number of copies of a newspaper, magazine, book, etc.

in, xuất bản

in, xuất bản

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a text or symbol that is displayed in public to give instructions, warnings, or information

biển báo, dấu hiệu

biển báo, dấu hiệu

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to copy

to create something that is exactly like something else

sao chép, nhân bản

sao chép, nhân bản

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a written description of something that includes pieces of information that someone needs to know

báo cáo, phiếu báo

báo cáo, phiếu báo

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