在这里,您将学习一些与 Dimensions 相关的英语单词,这些单词是一般培训类雅思考试所需的。
having an impressive height
高耸的, 壮观的
extremely tall or elevated
极高的, 高耸的
(of a mountain, building, etc.) very tall and outstanding
高耸的, 雄伟的
(of buildings or other objects) extremely tall or high
摩天大楼似的, 极高的
made bigger in size
扩展的, 放大的
extended in length as far as possible
伸展的, 扩展的
made longer in physical dimensions
延长的, 伸长的
long and thin, often more than expected or typical
拉长的, 细长的
rather long
稍长的, 相对较长的
excessively or unreasonably long in duration, size, or extent
过长的, 过度延长的
to stretch something in order to make it longer
延长, 拉长
made wider in physical dimensions
扩宽的, 变宽的
positioned or built above ground level
高架的, 升高的
able to increase in size or volume
扩展的, 广阔的
extremely thin, as thin as a sheet of paper
纸般薄, 非常薄
to cut something short in length or duration
截断, 缩短
to become more viscous or dense
变稠, 加厚
to become smaller in size, amount, or number over time
逐渐减少, 逐渐变小