
كتاب Solutions - ابتدائي - الوحدة 7 - 7E

ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 7 - 7E في كتاب الحلول الدراسي للمرحلة الابتدائية، مثل "رفض"، و"مستند"، و"نسخ احتياطي"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Solutions - Elementary

an electronic device that stores and processes data

حاسوب, كمبيوتر

حاسوب, كمبيوتر

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to back up

to make a copy of computer digital data

نسخ احتياطي, تأمين البيانات

نسخ احتياطي, تأمين البيانات

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tasks, documents, or projects that a person is currently engaged in or working on

عمل, وظيفة

عمل, وظيفة

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a machine, particularly one connected to a computer, that prints text or pictures onto paper



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to scan

(of a computer program) to examine applications or digital files in order to detect any viruses or malware

مسح, فحص

مسح, فحص

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a piece of written work that has a name and is stored on a computer

مستند, وثيقة

مستند, وثيقة

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to shut down

to make something stop working

إيقاف تشغيل, غلق

إيقاف تشغيل, غلق

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to turn down

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes less sound, heat, etc.

خفض, تقليل

خفض, تقليل

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a device that is used for listening to programs that are broadcast

راديو, جهاز راديو

راديو, جهاز راديو

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to turn off

to cause a machine, device, or system to stop working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

إيقاف, قطع

إيقاف, قطع

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a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes it possible to see, produced by the sun or another source of illumination



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to turn on

to cause a machine, device, or system to start working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

تشغيل, فتح

تشغيل, فتح

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to turn up

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.

رفع, زيادة

رفع, زيادة

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the amount of loudness produced by a TV, radio, etc.

حجم, صوت

حجم, صوت

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to type in

to enter information using a keyboard or other input device on a computer or other electronic devices

أدخل, اكتب

أدخل, اكتب

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a unique identifier or name chosen by a user to represent themselves or their account in online platforms, websites, or social media

اسم المستخدم, اسم مستعار

اسم المستخدم, اسم مستعار

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to break down

(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working as a result of a malfunction

يتعطل, يظهر عطل

يتعطل, يظهر عطل

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to log off

to stop a connection to an online account or computer system by doing specific actions

تسجيل الخروج, إنهاء الاتصال

تسجيل الخروج, إنهاء الاتصال

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to log in

to start using a computer system, online account, or application by doing particular actions

تسجيل الدخول, الدخول

تسجيل الدخول, الدخول

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an electronic device with a screen that receives television signals, on which we can watch programs

تلفاز, تلفزيون

تلفاز, تلفزيون

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