
كتاب Solutions - ما قبل المتوسط - الوحدة 9 - 9ج

ستجد هنا مفردات الوحدة 9 - 9ج في كتاب حلول المستوى ما قبل المتوسط، مثل "الراحة"، و"الاستفسار"، و"الوصف"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Solutions - Pre-Intermediate
to apologize

to tell a person that one is sorry for having done something wrong

يعتذر, يتأسف

يعتذر, يتأسف

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to challenge

to invite someone to compete or strongly suggest they should do something, often to test their abilities or encourage action

يَتَحدّى, يَدعو

يَتَحدّى, يَدعو

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to comfort

to lessen the emotional pain or worry that someone feels by showing them sympathy and kindness

يخفف, يواسي

يخفف, يواسي

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to complain

to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something

يشكو, يتذمر

يشكو, يتذمر

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to describe

to give details about someone or something to say what they are like

يصف, يشرح

يصف, يشرح

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to encourage

to provide someone with support, hope, or confidence

تشجيع, تحفيز

تشجيع, تحفيز

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to inquire

to ask for information, clarification, or an explanation

استفسر, تسأل

استفسر, تسأل

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to entertain

to amuse someone so that they have an enjoyable time

تسلية, ترفيه

تسلية, ترفيه

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to inform

to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner

أبلغ, علم

أبلغ, علم

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to persuade

to make a person do something through reasoning or other methods

إقناع, إحراج

إقناع, إحراج

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to recommend

to suggest to someone that something is good, convenient, etc.

يوصي, يقترح

يوصي, يقترح

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to tell

to use words and give someone information

يقول, يخبر

يقول, يخبر

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a description of events and people either real or imaginary

قصة, حكاية

قصة, حكاية

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to thank

to show gratitude to someone for what they have done

شكر, يرد الجميل

شكر, يرد الجميل

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to warn

to tell someone in advance about a possible danger, problem, or unfavorable situation

تحذير, إعلام

تحذير, إعلام

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to welcome

to meet and greet someone who has just arrived

ترحيب, استقبال

ترحيب, استقبال

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to lose

to be deprived of or stop having someone or something

فقد, خسر

فقد, خسر

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the heaviness of something or someone, which can be measured



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to get

to receive or come to have something

استلام, الحصول على

استلام, الحصول على

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an agreement between two or more parties, typically involving the exchange of goods, services, or property

اتفاقية, صفقة

اتفاقية, صفقة

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to prescribe

(of a healthcare professional) to tell someone what drug or treatment they should get

وصف, كتابة وصفة طبية

وصف, كتابة وصفة طبية

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any substance that is used for medicinal purposes

دواء, مخدر

دواء, مخدر

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to come up with

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

ابتكار, تطوير

ابتكار, تطوير

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a suggestion or thought about something that we could do

فكرة, اقتراح

فكرة, اقتراح

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to browse

to check a web page, text, etc. without reading all the content

تصفح, استكشاف

تصفح, استكشاف

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the Internet

‌a global computer network that allows users around the world to communicate with each other and exchange information



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to run on

to operate using a specific energy source

يعمل على, تعمل بواسطة

يعمل على, تعمل بواسطة

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a type of fuel made from living matter, such as plants or waste, that can be used as a renewable energy source

الوقود الحيوي

الوقود الحيوي

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