
كتاب Insight - ابتدائي - الوحدة 9 - 9ج

ستجد هنا المفردات من الوحدة 9 - 9ج في كتاب Insight Elementary الدراسي، مثل "جذب"، و"ديكور"، و"تثقيف"، وما إلى ذلك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Insight - Elementary
to achieve

to finally accomplish a desired goal after dealing with many difficulties

تحقيق, إنجاز

تحقيق, إنجاز

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the action or process of reaching a particular thing

إنجاز, تحقيق

إنجاز, تحقيق

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to attract

to interest and draw someone or something toward oneself through specific features or qualities

يجذب, يستقطب

يجذب, يستقطب

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a quality or feature of someone or something that evokes interest, liking, or desire in others

جاذبية, إغراء

جاذبية, إغراء

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to celebrate

to do something special such as dancing or drinking that shows one is happy for an event

يحتفل, يسعد

يحتفل, يسعد

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a gathering or event where people come together to honor someone or something, often with food, music, and dancing

احتفال, احتفالية

احتفال, احتفالية

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to decorate

to add beautiful things to something in order to make it look more attractive

تزيين, ديكور

تزيين, ديكور

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a thing that is added to make something look more beautiful

ديكور, زينة

ديكور, زينة

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to disappoint

to fail to meet someone's expectations or hopes, causing them to feel let down or unhappy

يُخيب, يُحبط

يُخيب, يُحبط

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dissatisfaction that is resulted from the unfulfillment of one's expectations

خيبة أمل, إحباط

خيبة أمل, إحباط

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to enjoy

to take pleasure or find happiness in something or someone

يستمتع ب, يحب

يستمتع ب, يحب

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the feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that someone experiences from an activity, a thing or a situation

استمتاع, مسرّة

استمتاع, مسرّة

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to entertain

to amuse someone so that they have an enjoyable time

تسلية, ترفيه

تسلية, ترفيه

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to predict

to say that something is going to happen before it actually takes place

تَوقُع, تنبّأ

تَوقُع, تنبّأ

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the act of saying what one thinks is going to happen in the future or what the outcome of something will be

تنبؤ, توقع

تنبؤ, توقع

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movies, television shows, etc. or an activity that is made for people to enjoy

ترفيه, عروض

ترفيه, عروض

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to educate

to teach someone, often within a school or university setting

تعليم, تثقيف

تعليم, تثقيف

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the process that involves teaching and learning, particularly at a school, university, or college



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to govern

to regulate or control a person, course of action or event or the way something happens

يحكم, ينظم

يحكم, ينظم

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the group of politicians in control of a country or state

حكومة, إدارة

حكومة, إدارة

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to inform

to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner

أبلغ, علم

أبلغ, علم

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facts or knowledge related to a thing or person

معلومات, بيانات

معلومات, بيانات

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to donate

to freely give goods, money, or food to someone or an organization

يتبرع, يغدق

يتبرع, يغدق

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something that is voluntarily given to someone or an organization to help them, such as money, food, etc.

تبرع, هبة

تبرع, هبة

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to amuse

to make one's time enjoyable by doing something that is interesting and does not make one bored

يمتع, يسلي

يمتع, يسلي

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a feeling we get when somebody or something is funny and exciting

تسلية, متعة

تسلية, متعة

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to pay

to give someone money in exchange for goods or services

يدفع, إقرار الدفع

يدفع, إقرار الدفع

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an amount of money that is paid for something

دفع, مدفوع

دفع, مدفوع

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