বই Solutions - মধ্যবর্তী - ইউনিট 4 - 4G
এখানে আপনি ইউনিট 4 - 4G থেকে সলিউশন ইন্টারমিডিয়েট কোর্সবুকের শব্দভান্ডার পাবেন, যেমন "ডুভেট", "বেসিন", "রেডিয়েটর" ইত্যাদি।
a small table or cabinet placed next to a bed, typically used to hold items such as a lamp, alarm clock, or personal belongings
বিছানা টেবিল, রাতের টেবিল
a piece of furniture that contains shelves for holding books
বইয়ের আলমারি, বই রাখার শেলফ
a piece of furniture consisting of two small beds with one built above the other
ডাবল বিছানা, বাংক বিছানা
a hanging piece of cloth or other materials that covers a window, opening, etc.
পর্দা, পট
a bag made of cloth that is filled with soft material, used for leaning or sitting on
তোশক, মালিশের পাট
a bed that is big enough for two people to sleep in
ডাবল বিছানা, দুই ব্যক্তির বিছানা
a cover for one's bed that is made of two layers of cloth and is filled with feathers, cotton, or other soft materials
কম্বল, দূর্বাঘর
a device, often made of metal, used for securing or locking doors
হুক, কাঁটা
the built-in furniture installed in many kitchens for storage of food
রান্নাঘরের ক্যাবিনেট, রান্নাঘরের আলমারি
an object that can give light by using electricity or burning gas or oil
শ্রমিক, বাতি
a kitchen appliance that uses electricity to quickly heat or cook food
a cloth bag stuffed with soft materials that we put our head on when we are lying or sleeping
বালিশ, ফালানোর বালিশ
a flat, narrow board made of wood, metal, etc. attached to a wall, to put items on
শেলফ, রাক
a comfortable seat that has a back and two arms and enough space for two or multiple people to sit on
সোফা, আসন
a chair with side supports for the arms and a comfortable backrest, often used for relaxation or reading
আর্মচেয়ার, বাঁয়া সমেত চেয়ার
a fixed bathroom sink with running water, used for washing hands and face
অবসাদে, মগ
a type of window covering, often made of cloth, that can be rolled up and down
পর্দা, জাল
a round open container, made of plastic or metal, with a handle used for keeping or carrying things
বালতি, ডোল
a thick piece of woven cloth, used as a floor covering
গালিচা, কার্পেট
a decorative light fixture that hangs from the ceiling and usually has multiple branches or arms for holding lights
ঝাড়বাতি, লেন্সবাতি
a narrow foldable bed that can be easily carried or stored anywhere
কট, পালঙ্ক
furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers
ডেস্ক, কর্মস্থল
an electric machine that is used to clean dishes, spoons, cups, etc.
an object put on the ground in front of a door, used for cleaning the shoes on
দোরম্যাট, জুতার মাট
a space or place in a wall for building a fire in
চিমনি, অগ্নিকুণ্ড
an electrical container that can store food for a long time at a temperature that is very low
a device that you use to blow warm air over our hair to dry it
চুলরয় করার যন্ত্র, ভ্রমণ সুবিধার জন্য চুলরয় করার যন্ত্র
a container with a handle, lid, and spout that is used for boiling water
কেটলি, চা তৈরির পাত্র
the part of a bed made of soft material on which a person sleeps
a metal device with pipes that are filled with hot water to heat a room
something we use to cover or decorate a part of the floor that is usually made of thick materials or animal skin
গালিচা, পাটা
a large and open container that has a water supply and you can use to wash your hands, dishes, etc. in
সিঙ্ক, টোটা
one of a pair of exterior wooden or metal covers of a window that can be closed for preventing light from coming in or protecting the house against thieves or other threats
জানালার পাত, শাটার
a seat, often with four legs, that does not include a any support for one's back or arms
টেবিলের চেয়ার, পেছনে সমর্থন নেই এমন আসন
an electronic device used in the kitchen to make toast
টোস্টার, রুটি টোস্টার
a piece of furniture that is large and is used for hanging and storing clothes
আলমারি, পোশাক সংরক্ষণের আলমারি
an electric machine used for washing clothes
ওয়াশিং মেশিন, জলধোয়া মেশিন
a machine that dries wet clothes by rotating them in a drum while circulating warm air
কাপড় শুকানোর যন্ত্র, সুতি শুকানোর যন্ত্র
an electrical equipment used to keep food and drinks cool and fresh
ফ্রিজ, রেফ্রিজারেটর