বই Face2face - মাধ্যমিক - ইউনিট 5 - 5A
এখানে আপনি Face2Face ইন্টারমিডিয়েট কোর্সবুকের ইউনিট 5 - 5A থেকে শব্দভান্ডার পাবেন, যেমন "কটেজ", "লাইভলি", "আবাসিক এলাকা", ইত্যাদি।
a room in a house where a person reads or writes something
গবেষণা ঘর, স্টাডি
a small house, particularly one that is situated in the countryside or a village
কটেজ, ছোট বাড়ি
a place where people live, consisting mainly of houses and apartment buildings rather than offices and shops
আবাসিক এলাকা, বাসভূমি
a building, usually next or attached to a house, in which cars or other vehicles are kept
a single-family house that is not connected to any other house, usually with its own yard or garden
স্বতন্ত্র বাড়ি, অবিভক্ত বাড়ি
the structure that creates the outer top part of a vehicle, building, etc.
ছাদ, শীর্ষ
a type of residential house that is attached to one or more other houses in a row, with shared walls and a similar architectural design
সারি বাড়ি, আলিঙ্গন ঘর
a series of steps connecting two floors of a building, particularly built inside a building
সিঁড়ি, মাড়ানো
the part of the city where the main businesses and shops are located
শহরের কেন্দ্র, শহরের কেন্দ্রস্থল
a large building that contains multiple flats on different floors, typically designed for people to live in
অ্যাপার্টমেন্ট ব্লক, মাল্টি-ফ্ল্যাট ভবন
a platform above the ground level and on the outside wall of a building that we can get into from the upper floor
ব্যালকনি, ছাদ
an area with farms, fields, and trees, outside cities and towns
গ্রামীণ এলাকা, গ্রাম
a room immediately under the roof of a house, which is used as a storage or living space
গুদাম, ছাদ ঘর