বই Insight - প্রারম্ভিক - ইউনিট 4 - 4D
এখানে আপনি Insight Elementary coursebook এর ইউনিট 4 - 4D থেকে শব্দভান্ডার পাবেন, যেমন "ডুব", "আউটডোর", "বোল্ডার" ইত্যাদি।
something that a person spends time doing, particularly to accomplish a certain purpose
a large rock, usually one that has been shaped by natural forces such as water or ice
বড় শিলা,পাথর
an activity in which someone jumps from a very high place with a rubber cord tied around their ankles
to explore natural underground chambers and tunnels
গুহা অনুসন্ধান করা,গুহা বিজ্ঞান করা
a sport that involves riders performing specific tasks like jumping over obstacles or showcasing their skills on horseback
the activity or sport of riding a mountain bike over rough ground
a type of sport in which a person climbs rock surfaces that are very steep
a winter sport or activity in which the participant stands on a board and glides over snow, typically on a mountainside
an activity that involves rolling downhill inside a transparent plastic ball