গেমস - Video Game Console
এখানে আপনি ভিডিও গেম কনসোল সম্পর্কিত কিছু ইংরেজি শব্দ শিখবেন যেমন "জয়স্টিক", "গেমপ্যাড", এবং "কন্ট্রোলার"।
an upright lever that can be moved in different directions to control an image or character in a video game

জয়স্টিক, নিয়ন্ত্রণ杕

a handheld input device used to control video games or other interactive media, typically featuring buttons, directional pads, analog sticks, and other controls that allow players to interact with the game and manipulate on-screen objects or characters

গেমপ্যাড, নিয়ন্ত্রণ যন্ত্র

an electronic input device that is used to control video games

কন্ট্রোলার, জয় স্টিক

a set of arrow-shaped buttons on a controller used to navigate in video games or other electronic devices

দিকনির্দেশক প্যাড, ক্রস প্যাড

a thumb-operated input device on modern gaming controllers that provides variable and precise movement in multiple directions

অ্যানালগ স্টিক, অ্যানালগ জয়স্টিক

a handheld input device used in gaming to control movement or perform specific actions in games

পারদল, নিয়ন্ত্রণ器

an electronic device on which video games can be played

ভিডিও গেম কনসোল, গেম কনসোল

a small, specialized gaming device designed to play digital games, often with access to online gaming services

মাইক্রোকনসোল, ছোট কনসোল

a portable electronic device designed for playing video games on the go, typically equipped with a screen and gaming controls integrated into the device

পোর্টেবল গেম কনসোল, হ্যান্ডহেল্ড গেম কনসোল

a line of video game consoles developed and produced by Microsoft, known for its advanced gaming capabilities and a vast library of games

এক্সবক্স, এক্সবক্স কনসোল

a light gun controller designed for use with certain video game consoles, such as the PlayStation and PlayStation 2, to enhance shooting and target-based gameplay

লাইট গান, ভিডিও গেম কন্ট্রোলার

the capability of increasing the storage capacity of a device, such as a gaming console or smartphone, by adding external storage devices such as memory cards or external hard drives

বর্ধিত স্টোরেজ, বর্ধিত সংরক্ষণ

a popular brand of video game consoles developed and manufactured by Sony Interactive Entertainment

প্লে স্টেশন