Kniha Top Notch 3A - Lekce 5 – Lekce 2
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 5 – Lekce 2 v učebnici Top Notch 3A, jako je „přírodní katastrofa“, „vážná“, „sesuv půdy“ atd.
things that are related to air and sky such as temperature, rain, wind, etc.
any destruction caused by the nature that results in a great amount of damage or the death of many, such as an earthquake, flood, etc.
přirozená katastrofa, přírodní katastrofa
a strong and dangerous type of wind, which is formed like a turning cone, usually causing damage
a very strong and destructive wind that moves in circles, often seen in the Caribbean
uragán, cyklón
a tropical storm with violent winds moving in a circle that form over the western Pacific Ocean
tajfun, tropická bouře
a sudden fall of a large mass of dirt or rock down a mountainside or cliff
sesuv půdy, skluz
a long period of time when there is not much raining
sucho, nedostatek srážek