Kniha Solutions - Středně pokročilý - Kultura 5
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Kultury 5 v učebnici Solutions Intermediate, jako je „státník“, „vykonat“, „zveřejnit“ atd.
someone whose job involves performing in movies, plays, or series

herec, herečka

a person who visits unknown places to find out more about them

průzkumník, objevitel

someone who makes or designs something that did not exist before

vynálezce, tvorce

someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession

hudebník, hudebnice

someone who works in the government or a law-making organization

politický, politici

a skilled and experienced political leader who demonstrates good judgment and leadership in their decisions and actions

státník, politický vůdce

someone who serves in an army, particularly a person who is not an officer

voják, armádník

a woman who engages in sports or athletic activities

sportovkyně, žena sportovkyně

someone whose job involves writing articles, books, stories, etc.

spisovatel, redaktor

to put together different materials such as brick to make a building, etc.

stavit, budovat

to create or establish an organization or place, especially by providing the finances

založit, ustanovit

to leave your job and stop working, usually on reaching a certain age

odejít do důchodu, odcházet do důchodu

a thin, flexible string or rope made of twisted strands of material such as cotton or nylon, used for binding things

kord, provaz

a form of energy resulting from the presence and movement of charged particles

elektricita, elektrický proud

a specially shaped piece of metal used for locking or unlocking a door, starting a car, etc.

klíč, klíček

a diamond shape frame covered with a paper or cloth with a string attached to it that can fly in the wind

drak, papírový drak

a bright flash, caused by electricity, in the sky or one that hits the ground from within the clouds

blesk, úder