Kniha English Result - Základní - Jednotka 3 - 3B
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 3 - 3B v učebnici English Result Elementary, jako je "Řecko", "národnost", "egyptština" atd.
a piece of land with a government of its own, official borders, laws, etc.

země, národ

a large island country in Southwest Pacific Ocean, known for its unique wildlife such as kangaroos


a country located in central Europe, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and thriving economy


a country on the continent of Africa with a rich history, famous for its pyramids, temples, and pharaohs


a country with a long history and rich culture located in South Eastern Europe and Northern Mediterranean Sea


a country in Europe known for its famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower

Francie, země Francie

a country in the southernmost part of the African continent that became independent in 1961

Jižní Afrika

the second largest country in the world that is in the northern part of North America


a country that is mainly in Western Asia with a small part in Southeast Europe


relating to the country, people, culture, or language of France

francouzský, francouzská

relating to the country, people, culture, or language of Japan

japonský, japonská

referring to anything or anyone that is related to or originates from Peru

peruánský, peruánka

a person who is a native or inhabitant of South Africa

Jihoafričan, Jihoafričanka

relating to the country, people, culture, or language of Turkey

turecký, turecká

the system of communication by spoken or written words, that the people of a particular country or region use

jazyk, řeč

the Romance language of Portugal and Brazil

portugalština, jazyk portugalština

the main language of Spain and many Southern or Central American countries
